Adelaide Labille-Guiard

Thursday, March 11, 2010

About Me

Bonjour! My name is Adélaïde Labille-Guiard. I was born in Paris and the youngest of eight children in a bourgeois family. I adore painting! Miniatures, pastels, and oil paintings are my specialty, they are fantastique! My paintings are known for being sophisticated in beautiful color and perception. Also, I am very respected for being named the official painter of the daughters of Louis XV.


  1. That is a BEAUTIFUL painting!!! She painted for the daughters of Louis XV?!?! WOW!!!

  2. hoh hoh my darling these paintings are wonderful. The true work of the french!

  3. This picture is so amazing!
    I would love to hang this up in my home . .

  4. Your french style of painting is unmatched in its wonderful beauty.I have always admired painting, even though i would not even know how to hold a brush.

  5. This painting is magnificent! I couldn't paint anything nearly as marvelous to save my life, as I prefer to make music. It must have been an honor to paint for the daughters of Louis XV, much like I was performing music in front of European hierarchy for much of my life. I noticed that you had many different teachers throughout your early life. I was not the same way, as I essentially took off at my own pace after my father taught me music at a young age!
